Augmenttors Episode 2 – Know Thy Enemy. Know Thy Self

In 2023, ransomware attacks increased to levels never seen before, while also becoming more sophisticated and aggressive. In today’s interconnected world, virtually every organization relies on a wide range of vendors and software. Threat Actors only need to exploit vulnerabilities in third-party software to access sensitive data. However, with human error still being the biggest contributing factor to breaches, it’s still easier for them to exploit the ignorance and lack of awareness of employees.

Technology’s continuous and rapid acceleration can make it hard to keep up with what best practices even are, let alone implementing them. However, if you can think like a hacker, looking for vulnerabilities and weak points in your IT ecosystem, you can develop a gameplan and protocols to help your team and your clients ensure you are not an easy target.

Join George Smith and Matt Lee as they discuss some of the modern methods bad actors are leveraging in cybercrime. Simplifying and understanding how your enemy operates, helps give MSPs and their customers a defensive battleplan.

As Head of Community & Strategic Partnerships at Augmentt, George’s role is to oversee many different aspects of Augmentt’s programs including Community, Events, Distributors, Vendor Partnerships and Strategic Alliances, all with the goal of helping our partners grow. George is a cybersecurity specialist who is instrumental in enhancing Augmentt’s corporate development.

Matt Lee has dedicated the last 10 years to raising the security tide in the SMB market. His efforts have served in every capacity in a growing MSP that grew to support 20,000 endpoints. His leadership around technology direction and security/compliance protected and elevated over 17,000 people in Small to midsize businesses in five states. He has since taken on a new role as a force multiplier under Brad Fugitt as the Senior Director of Security and Compliance at Pax8. He is driving the external thought leadership to empower MSPs to continue to grow in their security knowledge and operability. He lives to ensure his children maintain the same quality of life we do around technology, which is imperiled daily by threat actors.

Didn’t see Augmenttors Episode 1? Find it here:
Augmenttors Episode 1– Set Your Team Up for Success in 2024: Building Culture Guides and Accountability Charts

Looking for Augmenttors Episode 3? Watch it here: 
Augmenttors Episode 3: Unveiling the Growth Blueprint – Proven Growth Strategies and Success Secrets!

George Smith

Head of Community & Strategic Partnerships

Matt Lee

Senior Director of Security and Compliance at Pax8

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Augmentt is a centralized SaaS security platform built for MSPs to deliver scalable managed security services for Microsoft and cloud apps. Our multi-tenant platform gives you visibility across all your end-users to easily audit, protect and detect security threats for a holistic approach to cyber security.

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